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Showing posts from May, 2021

Week 2 PR/Social Media Blog. Live Tweet Event

Yesterday was an exciting day for fans of the Premier League in England. Specifically, fans of Chelsea and Man City. I live tweeted the Champion League Final yesterday. For anyone who does not watch soccer aka "football". The Champions League Final is basically the Super Bowl for Europe to see who the best football team in Europe is. For the 3 rd time ever both teams in the final were from England. Now the game was huge because of the last decade of dominance from these 2 teams. In the past 10 years the teams combined have won the Premier League 8 of the past 10 times. Only teams interrupting was Leicester City’s magical run in 2015 and Liverpool’s amazing dominance last season. To add Chelsea won the Champions League back in 2012. To add onto that there is a tournament called the FA Cup. It’s a domestic cup in England. It’s like an extra tournament throughout the season where all clubs form all the different tier leagues in England have the potential to play one another...

Final Blog of Week 1 The Art of Social Media

  3 rd and final blog of week 1. I am going to be talking about some of the information I found interesting from the first 8 chapters of the book The Art of Social Media. I think the pick a neutral screen name is a little bit funny to me since I am a gamer, so all my social media handles are my gamer name. It mentions Facebook and other social media sites on how they have groups. More recently I will say I have found that I enjoy Facebook groups. As the semester was coming to an end, I was looking through Facebook about specific groups in Toledo, which is where I live. It allowed me to find an ultimate frisbee group and summer league in Toledo. Dialogue online in general is going to be difficult when 2 people disagree or sending negative comments. I have had an experience of people typing angry comments about politics on someone’s post about Donald Trump being in office and everyone commenting was typing like it was a shouting fest. Even in videogames people will type things...

Week 1 PR/Social Media

  Hey, I hope your day or night is going well. I am going to be talking about YouTube and how I have grown up with the platform.  When I grew up my family had a pc, and I would play CD videogames on the pc when I was not outside playing sports or hanging out with friends. Around 2012 I started watching YouTube. I honestly cannot remember why I started watching or how I found out about it. I would watch funny videos and watch content on YouTube around the games I played on my Xbox 360 at the time. The biggest being Black Ops 2, Fifa, and NHL. I would watch these videos for entertainment and to learn something new about the game I was playing.  As time went on, I started watching more and more videos from more and more creators. Most of the content I watched was strictly about videogames. Either watching someone who was good at the game play or someone being funny while playing the game. This is what YouTube was like for a long time even before I started watching.  I b...

First Blog Week 1 ONU Life

My first blog ever and for week 1 is about my ONU life. I am going to talk about ultimate frisbee club and how it has impacted me and has helped me at ONU.  When I first got on campus as a freshman it was exciting to find out about all the different clubs here at ONU and I remember signing up for ultimate frisbee and not thinking too much about it. Now it an integral part of my daily life at ONU. I had played sports in high school, but I only had about a year of true team camaraderie my senior year. The past 2 years of being on the frisbee team it has made my college experience amazing.  From day 1 when I showed up to the first practice the atmosphere is friendly and good vibes. The team accepts everyone no matter what skill level they are at and everyone get treated like family from the start. I could not imagine what my life would be like at ONU if I were not a part of the frisbee club. Some of my closest friends are from being able to bond with them from playing frisbee tog...