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Final Blog of Week 1 The Art of Social Media

 3rd and final blog of week 1. I am going to be talking about some of the information I found interesting from the first 8 chapters of the book The Art of Social Media.

I think the pick a neutral screen name is a little bit funny to me since I am a gamer, so all my social media handles are my gamer name.

It mentions Facebook and other social media sites on how they have groups. More recently I will say I have found that I enjoy Facebook groups. As the semester was coming to an end, I was looking through Facebook about specific groups in Toledo, which is where I live. It allowed me to find an ultimate frisbee group and summer league in Toledo.

Dialogue online in general is going to be difficult when 2 people disagree or sending negative comments. I have had an experience of people typing angry comments about politics on someone’s post about Donald Trump being in office and everyone commenting was typing like it was a shouting fest. Even in videogames people will type things out and be angry when it is just 1 game.

For me personally it is interesting to read about how someone approaches social media and how they use all these different sites. The social media I use is basic. I use YouTube, Twitch, Discord, and Twitter sometimes.

To read and find out about what people do for their social media posts it is eye opening how much thought and effort some people put into social media. When I use social media, I do not try too hard to think too much. I usually just go with my gut and what I am feeling.

Using multiple platforms to gain follows is something I have seen in the gaming industry. More and more creators on YouTube and Twitch uses both platforms to reach more viewers instead of only using one of the platforms. They also use Twitter a lot of the time too.
