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First Blog Week 1 ONU Life

My first blog ever and for week 1 is about my ONU life. I am going to talk about ultimate frisbee club and how it has impacted me and has helped me at ONU. 

When I first got on campus as a freshman it was exciting to find out about all the different clubs here at ONU and I remember signing up for ultimate frisbee and not thinking too much about it. Now it an integral part of my daily life at ONU. I had played sports in high school, but I only had about a year of true team camaraderie my senior year. The past 2 years of being on the frisbee team it has made my college experience amazing. 

From day 1 when I showed up to the first practice the atmosphere is friendly and good vibes. The team accepts everyone no matter what skill level they are at and everyone get treated like family from the start. I could not imagine what my life would be like at ONU if I were not a part of the frisbee club. Some of my closest friends are from being able to bond with them from playing frisbee together. 

There are a lot of engineers on the frisbee team. When I was in engineering it helped me form relationships easily with people because I would see them in class then on the field. Being on the frisbee team helped me become great friends with my RA the past 2 years. 

It is just crazy how signing up to get emails about something that I did not even know if I was interested in turned into finding a group of guys on campus who feel like family. I am glad that I signed up for so many different clubs during welcome week of freshmen year to get me out of my comfort zone. If I had not my ONU would not be as great as it has been.

I hope you have a great rest of your day or night whenever you are reading this. Go Bears.


  1. Hi Ryan! It is so cool that you got a chance to join ultimate frisbee at Northern! One of my good friends that I had met at orientation also was on the frisbee team shortly before he transferred schools. I too also joined a club. I joined soccer club however, I was not sure if I would do well because I never played soccer besides with family and friends for fun. It turns out it was a great decision and I met lots of great friends just like you! I am happy ONU has cool clubs that allow people to make the most of their time here at Northern.

  2. Hi Ryan! I have always thought ultimate frisbee was so fun to play/watch and it's great that you were able to form some amazing friendships through a club here at ONU! There are so many amazing opportunities here on campus for people to take advantage of and I encourage everyone to take every chance they get to make a new friendship! Thank you for sharing!


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