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 Last week was a weird time for me and my family. Like a lot of people, we have not seen any of our extended family in about two years since covid became a thing. It was refreshing to see my cousins who have grown up so much in just two years. I do not think anyone in my family realized since we were all just happy to see one another in person again but Thanksgiving was no the same with my last grandparent dying this past May. We had a changing of the old guard with my uncle on my dad’s side become to oldest person in our immediate family. Which for me is scary. It makes you realize how fast time is actually moving.

Saying all this last week was one of the best Thanksgiving I think I have ever had. It has something to do with the fact that I have not had a family gathering for Thanksgiving or Christmas in two years. I had forgotten what being around family for a full day can do to you. All of the talking and catching up with everyone and talking about timeless classic family memories. If there is one thing from this past week that I can take away it is the family is not just by blood it is by the people you surround yourself with. Family can be anyone depending on how close you are with them.

I cherish every moment I get to spend with my family because you never know when life will hit you and steer you off course. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!


  1. I completely get what you mean about seeing family for the first time in a long time because of COVID. Last year, my family didn't have a Thanksgiving celebration so it was really nice to see everyone again. I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving!


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